
Port Zante

17:23 Feb 2 2015 Bay Road, Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis

Port Zante Port Zante
(Location-Bay Road Basseterre) Located East, Port Zante Basseterre, the port’s sparkling facilities include Local restaurants, Local boutiques, Local craft, jewelry and souvenirs.

Places also located at Port Zante;

Amina Craft Market- Local craft, souvenirs, and jewelry are sold here. The Market is located north of the port.

Rum Barrel Bar-This Bar is located in the center of Port Zante, local drinks can be found here of all sorts and also entertainment by our local Folklore groups such as the Masquerade and Moco Jumbies, more frequently during our Tourism Season.

Bottoms up Bar Locals drinks of all assortments can be found here this bar is located
Credibility: UP DOWN 1
lkiwhd (Feb 4 2015)
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